Friday, April 4, 2014

I might have to build an ark!


This has been a LONG week and I am SOOOOO happy to see Friday finally here!

Holy Rain!  I am beginning to wonder if I need to build an ark because we are drowning here in Missouri!!  I am totally not going to complain about it though because it was nice to have the rain to wash away all the salt, grits and grime from this winter.  The tornado's though, that's another story and they can GO AWAY like right now....  Yesterday the St. Louis area saw 3 tornado's!  Yikes!!  The above Doppler was from Thursday morning.  That ark you see there is NOT a good sign and in that ark produced a small tornado that hit downtown St. Louis.  

My poor babies have been scared of the storms.  Ok well actually Keeley had been so scared of the storms and Smokey knows I don't like storms and ever since we adopted him and it storms, he comes over to me and lies with me to calm me down.  On Wednesday after getting home I was followed around the entire house until I sat down on the couch.  Not 5 minutes later both the cat and dog were right next to me.  AWW!   

I'm actually liking this photo of me.... 17 weeks!!!!  So excited to almost be half way there already!!  I took this Thursday morning before work.  If you would like to catch up on my bump date for Week 17, you can click here.  An update from my crabbiness: Thursday night was so much fun and this morning and I am doing a bit better.  Just happy it's Friday and I get to sleep in tomorrow morning!

Lookie who was a VIP last night!  Funny thing is, I never saw the first Captain America so me seeing the second one was kinda funny.....  First, I was apprehensive of going because the weather people were calling for bad weather from 7-11 pm and they were right!  We got to the movies at  6 pm with our neighbors and a friend of theirs and we were treated with a free popcorn and soda.  Then we found out the movie was in 3D!  Bonus!!!   Then when walking into the theater we were treated with free candy.  We sat down and watched a short trailer that Conway Freight made for their company and then BAM the movie started.  Yeah, that's right, we went to a movie and saw NO movie trailers beforehand!  AWESOME!!!  Around 7:30 pm I heard the tornado sirens, que panic because my phone was at home and I wasn't able to track the weather as easily.....  Around 8 pm they evacuated the theater and we were moved 3 floors down to the food court.  Around 8:30 pm we got to go back into the theater and finish the movie. The movie was sooooooo good!  This coming from a girl who doesn't like comic books and had never seen the first Captain America.  LOVED the movie and suggest you go out and see it yourself.  :)  

This week Andy and I have been carpooling to work.  Since I drive a little bit further, I drop him off and pick him up.  NO joke I counted 3 bagel places on my way into work....sesame bagel YUMMO!  So true though, if I didn't have to be in at 7 am because I am hourly, I would have SO stopped this morning.  I will just say that being hourly is good because I would gain so much weight from bagels.

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Jen said...

I hope the rains stops soon and you can enjoy the weekend!

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