Fitbit Update for the Week
10,000 steps
10 flights of stairs
5.00 miles in distance
2387 calories burned
1000 activity goal
10,000 steps
10 flights of stairs
5.00 miles in distance
2387 calories burned
1000 activity goal
Wednesday (11/28):
- Steps: 7227
- Stairs: 17
- Distance: 3.02
- Calories Burned: 2100
- Activity Goal: 639
Thursday (11/29):
- Steps: 9379
- Stairs: 21
- Distance: 3.92
- Calories Burned: 2312
- Activity Goal: 849
Friday (11/30):
- Steps: 5162
- Stairs: 12
- Distance: 2.16
- Calories Burned: 2048
- Activity Goal: 588
Saturday (12/1):
- Steps: 9222
- Stairs: 13
- Distance: 3.85
- Calories Burned: 2350
- Activity Goal: 887
Sunday (12/2):
- Steps: 6043
- Stairs: 7
- Distance: 2.52
- Calories Burned: 2101
- Activity Goal: 640
Monday (12/3):
- Steps: 10392
- Stairs: 27
- Distance: 4.35
- Calories Burned: 2304
- Activity Goal: 841
Eh, is all I can say for my progress the last week. I can tell you that I am not too happy with my progress. I know I can do more, I just get tired from getting up so early for work and working and whatever else I have to do at home. Im starting to consider setting my alarm 30 minutes earlier than I wake up (that would be 4:45am) to walk on the treadmill in the morning to get some steps in before work.....its just tough to think about waking up even earlier than I already do! I'm still not sure what I will do. Here's hoping I can keep my motivation up and keep me moving to hit my goals!
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